American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association
After many years selling exhibits and sponsorships, and providing full-service advertising sales, editorial and production for multiple print and digital products at its annual Scientific Sessions, the American Heart Association approached Ascend about providing those same services for its American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference.
Since that time, the Stroke Conference has exploded to become the major event in the specialty, with meeting revenues at 1,234% growth between 2014 and 2019. In addition to print and digital publications before, during and after the meeting, we also sell exhibit space (including onsite renewals) and convention center and hotel sponsorships.
Article Index Page, Attendee Welcome Guide, Citywide/Perimeter Sponsorships, Convention Center Map, Convention Center Sponsorships, eHighlights, ePreviews, Exhibit Sales, Hotel Sponsorships, Individual Room Drops, Stroke News Daily Newspaper
In addition to our Daily, the printer in Los Angeles was also printing a 148-page daily for another meeting. They got on the press ahead of us, but their paper was so big it chewed up the blades on the binder. Once they got it fixed, they could only bind 150 papers at a time, so it was taking forever. We always have someone onsite at the printer on overnight turns for just such emergencies. Our papers had to deliver to the hotels at 6 a.m. At 4 a.m., I told the printer we needed to start hand-collating and trimming the papers. We just couldn’t wait any longer. I feared we’d be delivering papers unstitched, but they finished with the other paper at 4:30 a.m., and we were able to get our papers to all hotels by 6:15.