Client Feedback

We formed our new partnership during the chaos of the pandemic, which presented unique challenges, yet your team proved their commitment to AUA’s success. You are eager students of AUA’s style, voice and brand. Your team sold 67% more advertising revenue than our previous publisher, and the engagement metrics for our digital publications continue to increase year-over-year. You continue to bring us new ideas for us to consider, which is extremely valuable to us. Thank you for your strategic partnership.
Janet V. Skorepa
Executive Vice President, Education & Meetings
American Urological Association

We are proud to have partnered with Ascend for more than 30 years. The Ascend team consistently brings us new ideas and approaches to consider. They know our style and our mission and they truly act as a part of our team. Too, their advertising and sponsorship sales results are astounding! They continue to increase non-dues revenues for the Academy. Their relationships – and reputation – with industry is unmatched.
Suzanne Lothary
Director, Marketing
American Academy of Dermatology

Ascend understands our brand and our objectives, and project manages the entire process. They’re such a natural fit for us – they’ve become an extension of our PCMA staff and partnership family.
Marco Bloemendaal
Global VP, Business Development

I just wanted to express my appreciation for your team’s excellent work on these pieces. They delivered beautifully and they were very responsive to “quick” edits from our colleagues. Really great work across the board!”
Heather M. Alger, PhD
National Director, Product Development
American Heart Association

ACEP is thrilled to be partnering with Ascend again. After exploring another publishing partner, we quickly realized the value Ascend had brought to ACEP for over 20 years. In fact, we returned in under one year! Ascend’s customer service, ad sales results, new ideas, reputation, professionalism, reliability, and proven publishing expertise are unparalleled. Our teams rely on the deep knowledge Ascend has for ACEP’s process, policies, exhibitors, and attendee needs.
Stephanie Batson
Sr. Manager, Exhibits & Corporate Development
American College of Emergency Physicians

Love working with the Ascend team on the IMEX America publications. They are dedicated, creative, professional, hyper-organized and 100% reliable — exactly what you need when producing publications on the scale of ours. They make my job easy!
Sophie Jackson
Publications Manager
IMEX Group

I want to thank your team for being an A+ publishing partner for our meetings. I am exceptionally pleased with the outcome of the Daily News this year. Our teams are in synch and poised for success.
Jennifer Regala
Director of Publications/Executive Editor
American Urological Association

Your team is dedicated to our Annual Conference and to our members’ needs. Ascend is creative, determined, professional and engaged with our attendees. Our members rely on our on-site daily newspaper as the voice of the meeting. Thank you for your support.
Nancy McMurrey
Vice President, Communications
American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Overall, your stories are much more interesting than what we received from our old vendor. Nice job.
Heather Watkins
Communications Manager
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

We've had a robust partnership with Ascend for many years. It's clear that they make our association's success their top priority. They are steady, collaborative and always bring new ideas for us to be thinking about. We couldn't ask for a better partner!
Kim Stewart
Editorial Director
NACS – The Association For Convenience & Fuel Retailing

The stability of the personnel at Ascend provides an unmeasurable amount of institutional knowledge that benefits both our customers, as well as our team. When coupled with the level of service and interest in really understanding our business, this allows us to work with Ascend as a partner in our success, rather than ‘just a vendor.'
Michelle Turenne
Chief, Corporate Alliances and Business Development
American Thoracic Society

It has been a special privilege partnering with Ascend on so many initiatives that are growing our exhibit and sponsorship revenue. In addition, Ascend consistently brings new ideas to us to help increase attendee and member engagement.
Emily Whitzel
Director, Scientific & Corporate Meetings
American Heart Association

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Ascend to produce Cooking Well, a cookbook for people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The Ascend team felt like an extension of the PKD Foundation staff - they took the time to learn about PKD and understand the obstacles patients face and, because of this effort, produced a product that speaks to the community and helps them take control of their health. From the first meeting to the last, they were professional, flexible and just the nicest group of people. I can't wait to work with them again!
Alexis Denny
Research and Education
PKD Foundation

The Academy has enjoyed a successful relationship with Ascend Media for over 20 years. It is refreshing to do business with a company that appreciates its clients and invests efforts in developing strong partnerships for success.
Lara Graf
Director, Medical Journals Publishing
American Academy of Dermatology

I must say, I am simply blown away. The InResidence magazine redesign is absolutely everything I hoped it would be, so thank you!
Julia Chappell
Managing Director, Marketing
Vornado, Merchandise Mart

With the planning and strategic thought put in place in the summer of 2014, the sales for ATS 2015 increased by 47.39%. Over the next three years, you produced an additional 49.6% in revenue growth. By any definition of measurement or assessment, these are just outstanding results. The work of our combined staffs has resulted in a most substantial gain both for Ascend and the ATS. I see the success of our combined efforts being rooted in our common goals and mission and the synergy of our staffs.
Stephen C. Crane
Former Executive Director
American Thoracic Society
With the planning and strategic thought put in place in the summer of 2014, the sales for ATS 2015 increased by 47.39%. Over the next three years, you produced an additional 49.6% in revenue growth. By any definition of measurement or assessment, these are just outstanding results. The work of our combined staffs has resulted in a most substantial gain both for Ascend and the ATS. I see the success of our combined efforts being rooted in our common goals and mission and the synergy of our staffs.

Stephen C. Crane
It has been a special privilege partnering with Ascend on so many initiatives that are growing our exhibit and sponsorship revenue. In addition, Ascend consistently brings new ideas to us to help increase attendee and member engagement.

Emily Whitzel
The stability of the personnel at Ascend provides an unmeasurable amount of institutional knowledge that benefits both our customers, as well as our team. When coupled with the level of service and interest in really understanding our business, this allows us to work with Ascend as a partner in our success, rather than ‘just a vendor.’

Michelle Turenne
ACEP is thrilled to be partnering with Ascend again. After exploring another publishing partner, we quickly realized the value Ascend had brought to ACEP for over 20 years. In fact, we returned in under one year! Ascend’s customer service, ad sales results, new ideas, reputation, professionalism, reliability, and proven publishing expertise are unparalleled. Our teams rely on the deep knowledge Ascend has for ACEP’s process, policies, exhibitors, and attendee needs.

Stephanie Batson
The Academy has enjoyed a successful relationship with Ascend Media for over 20 years. It is refreshing to do business with a company that appreciates its clients and invests efforts in developing strong partnerships for success.

Lara Lowery
Love working with the Ascend team on the IMEX America publications. They are dedicated, creative, professional, hyper-organized and 100% reliable — exactly what you need when producing publications on the scale of ours. They make my job easy!

Sophie Jackson
Ascend understands our brand and our objectives, and project manages the entire process. They’re such a natural fit for us – they’ve become an extension of our PCMA staff and partnership family.

Mona Cotton
We’ve had a robust partnership with Ascend for many years. It’s clear that they make our association’s success their top priority. They are steady, collaborative and always bring new ideas for us to be thinking about. We couldn’t ask for a better partner!

Erin Pressley
I must say, I am simply blown away. The InResidence magazine redesign is absolutely everything I hoped it would be, so thank you!

Julia Chappell
Ascend team, thank you all so very, very much for all of your hard work and support that went into making ACC.16 such a huge success! Your unfailing patience and good cheer always made my day. Here’s looking forward to an even better ACC.17!

Amy Peters
I thoroughly enjoyed working with Ascend to produce Cooking Well, a cookbook for people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The Ascend team felt like an extension of the PKD Foundation staff – they took the time to learn about PKD and understand the obstacles patients face and, because of this effort, produced a product that speaks to the community and helps them take control of their health. From the first meeting to the last, they were professional, flexible and just the nicest group of people. I can’t wait to work with them again!

Alexis Denny