American Heart Association
A strong partnership spanning more than 27 years, Ascend and the American Heart Association have worked together on numerous creative and innovative projects to grow its Annual Meeting revenues 205% between 2013 and 2018.
Today, Ascend is responsible for exhibit sales for the annual meeting (including onsite renewals), as well as convention center sponsorships, citywide sponsorships and full-service advertising sales, editorial and production for multiple print and digital products before, during and after the annual meeting. Ascend also sells exhibit space and sponsorships at AHA’s six specialty conferences throughout the year.
Airport Advertising, Article Index Page, Attendee Welcome Guide, Citywide/Perimeter Sponsorships, Convention Center Map, Convention Center Sponsorships, Daily News, Doctors Bags, eHighlights, ePreviews, Exhibit Sales, Hotel Sponsorships, Individual Room Drops, Poster Hall Map, Pre-Meeting Mailer, Preview/Preliminary Program, Science & Technology Hall Planner, Symposia Locator Map
An advertiser had purchased a door hanger, which was three-dimensional and held three PIs (medical prescribing information). Their printer didn’t seal the pockets on the door hangers, and all the PIs fell out in transit. All three PIs looked alike, so we couldn’t ask the hotel bellman to try and figure them out upon delivery. The Project Director and I had spent hours re-stuffing thousands of door hangers at 16 individual hotels. Sometimes that’s what it takes to ensure advertisers and clients have a great event.